Chester County, Pennsylvania

Chester County, Pennsylvania
Chester County, Pennsylvania

Thursday, March 7, 2013

First Two Years in Nauvoo.

We know from Robert’s Book of Memoranda that he studied farming mathematical problems. Surely, he grew his own garden at least. He kept a record in his “Book” of little jobs he worked in Nauvoo and what he charged.

Baptisms for the dead had been performed in the Mississippi River during the summer of 1841. But on November 8th, Apostle Brigham Young dedicated a temporary wooden baptismal font in the basement of the Nauvoo Temple (which was under construction). The font rested on the backs of twelve life-sized pine oxen. Baptisms for the dead were now performed in this font.[1]

Several important events occurred in Nauvoo in 1842. On March 1st the Wentworth Letter was published in the Times and Seasons giving the Thirteen Articles of Faith. The Relief Society, an organization for the women of the church, was formed on the 17th of March.[2]  On August 6th, the prophet, Joseph Smith, prophesied that the saints would be driven to the Rocky Mountains.[3] That fall, John E. Page ordained Robert an Elder in the priesthood on the 6th of October 1842.[4] Then five days later, on October 22nd, Robert and Ann’s first child was born. They named him Joseph Henry Wright.[5]

The mortality rate of children was unusually high in Nauvoo (64%) compared to the rest of the United States.[6] The most frequent causes of death in children were the ague and fever, the shakes (malaria), bloody flux (dysentery), summer sickness, and cholera infantum. They did not know at this time the causes of these diseases.[7] For instance, they did not realize that the swarms of mosquitoes they dealt with daily spread malaria. The usual remedy for the sick was blood-letting which did not help cure them.[8] However, Robert and Ann’s first child, Joseph, survived the odds against him.

[1] Carter Eldredge Grant, The Kingdom of God Restored (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1955) p.274-275.
[2] Carter Eldredge Grant, The Kingdom of God Restored (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1955) p. 279.
[3] B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, v. II (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1930)  p.181.
[4] “Book of Memoranda,” 1839
[5] Ibid.
[6] George W. Givens, In Old Nauvoo (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Company, 1990) p. 113.
[7] Ibid., p. 114.
[8] Ibid. p. 117.

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